Experimentica participates in EU-funded project on Nutrigenomics

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By Experimentica on February 14, 2022

Summary: Experimentica researched innovative functional diets and their nutrigenomic evaluation in preclinical phase as part of a EU research program.


Experimentica Ltd. announced their participation in the project “Intellect. Business and Research Cooperation Projects” led by Innovative Pharma Baltics and funded by the Lithuanian Business Support Agency’s initiative.

The objectives of the research program include the development of innovative functional diets and their nutrigenomic evaluation in preclinical phase (project identification number: J05-LVPA-K-04-0007), and is set to take place from February 19, 2019, to January 31, 2022.

The 0.86 million euros funding is a part of the European Union programme “Promotion of Scientific Research, Experimental Development and Innovations Priority of the Operational Programme of the European Union Structural Funds for 2014-2020”.

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