Summary: UAB Experimentica implementing project „Innovative ophthalmic preclinical animal models for advanced drug research (retina-R)” (No. 01.2.1-LVPA-K-923-03-0001), financed from the European Union Structural Funds and budget of the Republic of Lithuania.

During the project research and development activities of preclinical combined diabetic retinopathy (DR) and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) model in rodents and preclinical virus-induced retina neovascularization model in rats are going to be performed with in vivo imaging and post mortem immunohistochemistry methods. In parallel, convolutional artificial neural network algorithm is going to be developed and validated. Also, company’s research and development infrastructure is going to be expanded during the project.
Project budget: 1 571 389,29 Eur.
Project financing amount: 838 036,91 Eur.
Implementing institution Innovation Agency Lithuania
More information about application and project: